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  1. 知乎是一个发现问题背后的世界的平台,让每一次点击都充满意义。

  2. oh boy@sa_ra_ it depends on the context. When happy you could say “oh boy!” Meaning you are excited. You could also say oh boy when something is sad or bothersome|"Oh boy" is an interjection. It can be used in a good context or in a bad context. For example: - We're having ice cream after dinner. - Oh boy! I love ice cream! - The post has just come. Here's a bill. - Oh boy, I've been ...

  3. 28. März 2020 · 没有记忆点,或者说不是我的菜(我pick的都是超a的选手),除了 陈品瑄 (不知道名字打对没)我觉得挺好的,这组别的都不喜欢,但我莫名觉得陈,申,徐,这几位拿的是祭天戏,后边除非后边有舞台超惊艳或者圈出死忠来,要不都出不了道。. 知乎,中文 ...

  4. 25. Feb. 2021 · 2021年2月25日. 英语 (美国) It is a very versatile expression. 🤣 It is sometimes an exclamation of surprise or being pleased as in. Oh boy! That will be great! It is also used to express displeasure as in. Oh boy! That will be expensive to repair. It is also appropriate in dire situations such as a sickness or even a death.

  5. Oh boyIt's an exclamation, so it doesn't have any literal meaning. It's often used to indicate excitement or being overwhelmed: "Oh boy, there's ice cream!" "Our taxes will probably go up next year." "Oh, boy."|@shomasan it’s like やばいin English, it doesn’t have a specific meaning and can use in different situations. 的定义

  6. 这个答案有帮助吗?. 嗯... (1) oh dear 和 oh well 和有什么不一样?. Oh, man 和 Oh, boy 和有什么不一样?. oh jesus 和 oh gosh 和有什么不一样?. Oh my gosh 和 damn it 和有什么不一样?. Oh, Aww 和 Ugh 和有什么不一样?. あの少年達の母親の事を These boys's mother ではなく These boy ...

  7. Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, And looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat. Made the bus in seconds flat. Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream. I read the news today oh boy.

  8. 23. Mai 2015 · 正经解说:一些知友说不管怎么听都感觉德国boy说的是中文呢,那是因为他的德语开启了 斯(元)巴(首)达模式 岂是汝等凡人可以理解的!. 【doge脸】. 德国boy的咆哮过程中出现大量的拖音、吞音,并且语调百变,自然与原发音千差万别,要是一开始就代入空 ...

  9. 英语 (美国) It's a phrase usually used to prep someone for something (an event about to happen). For instance, right when you are about to do something you're either worried or excited for, you say "Here we go!" to prepare yourself. The phrase could also be said when someone brings up an unpleasant topic you don't wish to be apart of.

  10. 'Atta boyIt's a phrase used to say well done or good job.|It’s an English slang for good job. For example when a son kicks a soccer ball into the goal, a father may say “Atta boy! That’s my son!”. So it has a connotative meaning of being proud. |“Atta boy” is usually used when someone does something that impresses the person. Example: Bob hit a double in the championship game. Bob ...

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