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The film details the deteriorating state of an impoverished Gary neighborhood terrorized by a street gang called the Rebels. When the gang murders a local boy, it prompts the emergence of several individuals who grew up in the neighborhood: the original members of the Rebels.
With Fred Williamson, Jim Brown, Pam Grier, Paul Winfield. When a gang shoots his father, Bookman (Fred Williamson) returns to his hometown, rounds up some of his own people and begins an all-out war to restore the neighborhood to its rightful sense of justice.
- (2,1K)
- Action, Crime, Drama
- Larry Cohen, Fred Williamson
- 1996-05-10
For a limited time ORIGINAL GANGSTER is available on Prime - ORIGINAL GANGSTER is released in UK on DVD & Digital 5th April 2021. View ORIGINAL GANGSTER on...
- 2 Min.
- 1,4M
- BritFlicks
24. Apr. 2003 · Original Gangstas ist ein Actionfilm aus dem Jahr 1996 von Larry Cohen mit Fred Williamson und Jim Brown. Aktueller Trailer zu Original Gangstas. Komplette Handlung und...
- (28)
Original Gangstas ist ein Film von Laurence Cohen mit Fred Williamson, Jim Brown. Synopsis: Ganze 15 Jahre ist es her, seit John Bookman (Fred Williamson) seine Heimatstadt Gary, Indiana...
10. Mai 1996 · Original Gangstas: Action 1996 von Fred Williamson mit Robert Forster/Charles Napier/Richard Roundtree. Jetzt im Kino.
A violent street gang, the Rebels, rule the streets of Gary, Indiana. The Rebels shoot Marvin Bookman, a store-keeper, for giving the police information about a drive-by shooting they committed.
- 99 Min.