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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Owen Wilson ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor, der vor allem für Komödien bekannt ist. Er arbeitete mit Wes Anderson, Ben Stiller und anderen Frat Pack-Mitgliedern zusammen und war mehrmals Vater.

  2. › wiki › Owen_WilsonOwen Wilson - Wikipedia

    Learn about the life and career of American actor Owen Wilson, who has starred in comedies such as Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, and Cars. Find out his early collaborations with Wes Anderson, his family background, his personal struggles, and his recent projects.

  3. Biografía, filmografía y premios del actor, comediante y guionista estadounidense Owen Wilson. Conoce sus películas más destacadas, como Cars, Zoolander, Wedding Crashers y Midnight in Paris.

  4. › name › nm0005562Owen Wilson - IMDb

    Owen Wilson is an American actor, producer and writer known for his roles in comedies such as Wedding Crashers, Zoolander and Cars. He has also co-written films with Wes Anderson, his friend and mentor, and has been nominated for an Oscar for his performance in The Royal Tenenbaums.

  5. › actors › owen-wilsonOwen Wilson - Biography

    2. Apr. 2014 · Actor Owen Cunningham Wilson was born on November 18, 1968, in Dallas, Texas, the son of a photographer and an advertising executive. Known now for his smooth, subdued comedic personas...

  6. Owen Wilson is an American actor and writer, born on November 18, 1968 in Dallas, Texas. He is known for his roles in comedies such as Bottle Rocket, The Royal Tenenbaums, Zoolander and Wedding Crashers.

  7. 12. Apr. 2023 · The list of Owen Wilson's best movies includes his films with Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, and director Wes Anderson. From war dramas to romcoms, he has range.

  8. Consulta la filmografía de Owen Wilson, actor y guionista estadounidense, con 71 películas y series acreditadas. Descubre sus principales premios, sus colaboraciones con otros artistas y sus películas más valoradas por los usuarios.

  9. Owen Wilson takes the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answers the internet's most searched questions about himself.

  10. Owen Wilson is an American actor who voices Lightning McQueen in the Cars film series. He also starred in comedies like Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, and Loki.

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