1. Okt. 2022 · He spoke with passion about X. = with fervor, enthusiasm, etc. I have a passion for X. = a deep/profound interest The first one describes a quality; the second one describes an interest. (There is also the expression "I hate Y with a passion," which always takes "a.")
19. Jan. 2015 · I would avoid the "three-minute" part, it has sexual connotations, especially if you combine it with "passion". I cannot immediately think of a perfect fit here. We can say that someone is in a 'passing phase'.
PassionForum - Все о шитье, кройке, бисере, вышивке, валянии, аппликации, вязание спицами, крючком.
Vor 6 Tagen · Dans cette section, vous pouvez aussi débattre et échanger sur tous ce qui concerne les nouvelles technologies au service de notre passion et particulièrement sur ce qui concerne les commandes numériques ! Modérateurs: Beyer-Garrat, SteamyStef 898 Sujets 21974 Messages Dernier message par Z105 30 11 2024 à 11:54
9. Dez. 2014 · Hi! Wondering what would be the right way to say this - My curiosity towards the systems behind cooling equipment fostered my passion for mechanical engineering. or My curiosity of the systems behind cooling equipment fostered my passion for mechanical engineering. or My curiosity on the...
Title: PDFBullant Tramway.pdf Author: JEAN-PIERRE Created Date: 7/1/2006 9:47:19 AM
15. Jan. 2021 · Les Forums de Passions Métrique et Etroite !! Rendez vous des passionnés des trains à voie étroite ou métrique, qui souhaitent un endroit pour discuter, pour se rencontrer, sans se prendre la tête et dans la bonne humeur !
Title: Image04.jpg Author: domi Created Date: 6/25/2006 6:39:55 PM
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