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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Paul Albert Anka (* 30. Juli 1941 in Ottawa) ist ein kanadischer Sänger, Komponist, Liedtexter und Schauspieler. In den 1950er Jahren war er ein Teenager - Idol. Sein Song Diana zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Singles aller Zeiten und war der erste Millionenseller eines Teenagers.

  2. › wiki › Paul_AnkaPaul Anka - Wikipedia

    Paul Albert Anka OC (born July 30, 1941) is a Canadian and American singer, songwriter and actor. He is best known for his signature hit songs including "Diana", "Lonely Boy", "Put Your Head on My Shoulder", and "(You're) Having My Baby".

  3. Paul Albert Anka OC (born July 30, 1941) is a Canadian and American singer, songwriter and actor. He is best known for his signature hit songs including "Dia...

  4. 27. Juli 2022 · Paul Anka ist die Verkörperung des 'American Dream'. Er war ein Teenager-Idol und später ein Weltstar mehrerer Generationen. Nun wird er 81 Jahre alt.

  5. Paul Anka is a force of nature and a consummate showman, commanding every audience and playing to standing ovations around the world backed by his all-star band!

  6. Paul Anka biography, influences, awards and chronology of his legendary career.

  7. 25. Mai 2021 · One of the biggest classic pop performers, Canadian singer-songwriter Paul Anka moved from teen heartthrob to adult artist with a slew of hits.

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