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  1. Peter Criss’ größter Hit mit Kiss war die Ballade Beth, die aus seiner Feder stammt und von ihm oftmals am Ende der von Hard-Rock geprägten Shows, auch unter Mitwirkung eines Symphonie-Orchesters gesungen wurde.

  2. › wiki › Peter_CrissPeter Criss - Wikipedia

    Learn about Peter Criss, the co-founder, original drummer, and occasional vocalist of the hard rock band Kiss. Find out his biography, musical career, and reasons for leaving the band.

  3. 6. Aug. 2021 · Kiss: Paul Stanley im Interview über den Ausstieg von Ace Frehley und Peter Criss. Der legendäre Kiss-Sänger/Gitarrist Paul Stanley über die neue Bootleg- Serie und die Abschiedstournee ...

  4. Peter Criss is a founding member and original drummer for the rock n' roll supergroup, KISS. In addition to playing drums in the band, Peter also provided lead vocals for a number of KISS' most popular and memorable songs including Beth, Black Diamond, and Hard Luck Woman.

  5. 20. Dez. 2015 · We start our list of Top 10 Peter Criss Kiss Songs with this relative standout from the drummer’s much maligned debut.

  6. 16. Dez. 2023 · By his own account, Peter Criss deliberately sabotaged three of his final five shows with the original lineup of Kiss. The first and most public of these acts kicked off a week of backstage...

  7. 14. Okt. 2020 · Drummer Peter "The Catman" Criss left KISS for the first time in 1980, revealing what Ultimate Classic Rock called the "first fissures in the original lineup." When asked why he'd left the band, Criss replied, "I wanted to do my own thing, my own music and 10 years in KISS was enough for me."