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Vor einem Tag · Once again, Princeton has partnered with Princeton Radiology to offer the Princeton University Mammography Program. Princeton Radiology is holding appointment slots for our employees and their loved ones from October 7 through October 31, so booking an appointment is quick and easy.
Vor einem Tag · Celebrate Princeton Innovation, the University’s annual salute to faculty and other researchers who are patenting their discoveries, creating start-up companies or exploring other ventures, will be held on campus Thursday, Oct. 10.
Vor 4 Tagen · The University Archives owe a great deal of our visual evidence of Princeton University in the mid-twentieth century to local photographer, Elizabeth Menzies (1915-2003). Menzies contributed countless photographs of the Princeton campus to Princeton Alumni Weekly magazine starting in 1936, through World War II, and late into the 1960s.
Vor einem Tag · As an undergraduate at Princeton, Dincă took a class in organometallics with Jeffrey Schwartz, now professor emeritus at Princeton Chemistry. He liked it so much that he sought out Schwartz and asked to do research in his lab. “I probably stood out to him because I was an annoying freshman,” said Dincă. “But I remember Jeff as one of the best teachers I had in my undergraduate career.”
Vor 3 Tagen · Princeton had already disciplined its arrested students with bans on entering campus, temporary evictions and questioning by a university investigator, said Sofia, a graduate student who asked to ...
Vor 2 Tagen · “As of right now, it is unclear how to provide assurances that your model can’t be used for some harmful purpose, even if people can remove all your safeguards, and whether that’s even a tractable problem,” said Peter Henderson, an assistant professor at Princeton University with appointments in the Department of Computer Science, the School of Pub