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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Robert Bresson war ein französischer Filmregisseur, der vor allem für seine minimalistischen Filme bekannt war und zu den angesehensten und herausragenden französischen Filmemachern des 20. Jahrhunderts gehört, obwohl er in seiner langen Karriere nur dreizehn Spielfilme schuf.

  2. Robert Bresson (1901-1999) was a French film director known for his minimalist and ascetic style. He made 13 feature films, including A Man Escaped, Pickpocket, and Au hasard Balthazar, and is considered one of the most influential and highly regarded filmmakers of all time.

  3. Robert Bresson (1901-1999) was a French writer and director of minimalist and personalist films. He is known for his works such as Diary of a Country Priest, A Man Escaped, and Au hasard Balthazar, and is considered one of the greatest artists in the history of cinema.

    • January 1, 1
    • Bromont-Lamothe, Puy-de-Dôme, France
    • January 1, 1
    • Paris, France
  4. 7. März 2023 · Der französische Filmemacher Robert Bresson und Fragen zum Stellenwert, zur Rezeption und Problematik der Originalfassung seiner frühen Filme.

    • Josef Nagel
  5. 5. Mai 2021 · A list of the most acclaimed works by the French director Robert Bresson, who pioneered a minimalist and spiritual style of cinema. Learn about his themes, influences, and techniques in films like A Man Escaped, Pickpocket, and L'argent.

  6. Entdecke alle Filme von Robert Bresson. Von den Anfängen seiner 41 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  7. 14. Dez. 2012 · Robert Bresson, the lonely giant of the French cinema, is dead. The director, whose austere masterpieces evoked praise but little imitation, died Saturday in Paris at 98, after a long illness that inspired retrospectives and tributes at the Film Center of the Art Institute of Chicago and in Toronto, London, Edinburgh and Tokyo.