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  1. Rodolfo Graziani ( Filettino, 11 de agosto de 1882- Roma, 11 de enero de 1955) fue un militar italiano, que destacó durante las guerras coloniales en África y en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Llegó a ostentar el rango de mariscal de Italia. Militar de carrera, ejerció como gobernador colonial de Libia y del África Oriental Italiana.

  2. 13. Nov. 2011 · Abstract Rodolfo Graziani, remembered both as “the Executioner” (Del Boca 1989: 122) or a top‐ranking general, was born into a lower‐middle‐class family in Filettino.

  3. 19. März 2017 · epopulate graziani. Incredibile, assurdo, vergognoso. Da cinque anni nel paesino di Affile, a ottanta chilometri da Roma, si erge un mausoleo dedicato a Rodolfo Graziani, il “Maresciallo d’Italia” di nomina mussoliniana, accusato di crimini di guerra, condannato a 19 anni di carcere, mai scontati, da un tribunale italiano.

  4. 19. Feb. 2024 · E’ il 19 Febbraio e Rodolfo Graziani fa organizzare ad Addis Abeba, una cerimonia pubblica per festeggiare la nascita del primogenito del principe Umberto di Savoia. Graziani governava l’Etiopia da alcuni mesi, dopo che l’Italia nel 1936 aveva sconfitto definitivamente le truppe etiopi e Mussolini proclamato l’impero dal balcone di Palazzo Venezia.

  5. Rodolfo Graziani is the main antagonist in the 1981 Libyan historical epic war film Lion of the Desert. He was one of the most influential leader of the Italian army. He is an extremely loyal and obedient follower of Benito Mussolini. A fascist general who is strict and does not tolerate failure. He was portrayed by the late Oliver Reed. Mussolini wants to defeat the uprising in Libya, where ...

  6. Rodolfo Graziani de 1935 un 1936 les opérations militaires contre le commandement Abyssinie à partir de Somalie italienne, sur le front sud.Les premiers affrontements les ont soutenus tout comme Badoglio était engagé dans Bataille dell'Amba Aradam. les troupes Ras Desta en fait, ils se sont dirigés vers Dolo pour attaquer l'armée de Rodolfo Graziani.

  7. Promoted Marshal in the wake of his role in the Italo-Ethiopian War he subsequently served as Ethiopian Viceroy from 1936-37. Although reputed to be his country's most renowned desert warrior he nevertheless utilised brutal pacification tactics. In 1939 Graziani was appointed Italian army Chief of Staff and the following year Governor of Libya.