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  1. The Bonaparte family tree is a dense network of connections and relations that starts with his father and mother, Charles-Marie Bonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolino. Known among their children were Joseph, Lucien, Elisa, Louis, Pauline, Caroline – the latter being the wife to Joachim Murat – and Jérôme. Napoleon himself had two wives ...

  2. Bonaparte-Murat (extant) The House of Bonaparte is a former imperial and royal European dynasty of Italian origin. It was founded in 1804 by Napoleon I, the son of Corsican nobleman Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Buonaparte (née Ramolino). Napoleon was a French military leader who rose to power during the French Revolution and who, in 1804 ...

  3. 28. Okt. 2023 · Bonaparte, Pierre-Napoléon Verknüpfungen zu anderen Personen wurden aus den Registerangaben von NDB und ADB übernommen und durch computerlinguistische Analyse und Identifikation gewonnen. Soweit möglich wird auf Artikel verwiesen, andernfalls auf das Digitalisat.

  4. 6. Sept. 2014 · Roland Bonaparte peut désormais se targuer d'avoir atteint son objectif, ayant constitué un herbier contenant 2.500.000 échantillons de 100.000 espèces, le plus grand au Monde. Le 14 avril 1924, après avoir été un grand président de l'Académie des Sciences durant cinq ans, Roland Bonaparte décède à 66 ans.

  5. Roland Napoléon Bonaparte, 6th Prince of Canino and Musignano was a French prince and president of the Société de Géographie from 1910 until his death. He was the last male-lineage descendant of Lucien Bonaparte, the genetically senior branch of the family since 1844.

  6. Tromholt; Roland Bonaparte Setting off towards the north In 1883 and 1884 two men, the Danish-Norwegian scholar and photographer Sophus Tromholt (1851– 1896) and the French prince, Roland Bonaparte (1858–1924), undertook expeditions to the Sámi areas in the North of Norway. Tromholt’s visit in 1883 was

  7. Roland Napoleó Bonaparte. Bonap. Roland Napoléon Bonaparte ( París, 19 de maig de 1858 - 4 d'abril de 1924 ), 6è príncep de Canino, fou un militar i antropòleg francès, fill de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte i Justine Leonora Ruffin. En la seva joventut fou militar servint en regiment d' infanteria fins al 1883 en què demanà de passar a la ...