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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Rufus Thomas war ein US-amerikanischer Blues- und Soulsänger, Radiomoderator, Entertainer und Talentscout. Er ist der Vater der Soulsängerin Carla Thomas und des Stax-Pianisten Marvell Thomas.

  2. › wiki › Rufus_ThomasRufus Thomas - Wikipedia

    Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. (March 26, 1917 – December 15, 2001) [1][2][3] was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic entertainer from Memphis, Tennessee.

  3. Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. (March 26, 1917 – December 15, 2001) was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic ent...

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  4. › artist › 47513-Rufus-ThomasRufus Thomas - Discogs

    Rufus Thomas was a rhythm and blues and soul singer and songwriter who recorded for Stax label. He is known for his hit Walking The Dog and his family of musicians.

  5. › channel › UCnpCbEpC8LLEt8z9Dj4596QRufus Thomas - YouTube

    The official YouTube channel of soul legend Rufus Thomas.

  6. › channel › UCm1Njiat5P7x7ftWuNZi1twRufus Thomas - YouTube Music

    Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic entertainer from Memphis, Tennessee. He recorded for several...

  7. Learn about Rufus Thomas, a pioneer of Memphis soul music and a creator of dance steps. He recorded hits like "Walkin' The Dog" and "Do the Funky Chicken" for Stax Records and influenced many artists.