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  1. Rufus Thomas war ein US-amerikanischer Blues- und Soulsänger, Radiomoderator, Entertainer und Talentscout. Er ist der Vater der Soulsängerin Carla Thomas und des Stax-Pianisten Marvell Thomas.

  2. › wiki › Rufus_ThomasRufus Thomas - Wikipedia

    Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. (March 26, 1917 – December 15, 2001) [1][2][3] was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic entertainer from Memphis, Tennessee.

  3. Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. (March 26, 1917 – December 15, 2001) was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic ent...

    • 3 Min.
    • 387,7K
    • Reelblack One
  4. › channel › UCnpCbEpC8LLEt8z9Dj4596QRufus Thomas - YouTube

    The official YouTube channel of soul legend Rufus Thomas.

  5. 17. Juni 2024 · Learn how Rufus Thomas broke through with his 1963 album Walking The Dog, which featured songs like "Do The Dog" and "Can Your Monkey Do The Dog". Discover his influence on rock, soul, and hip-hop music.

    • Ian Mccann
    • 3 Min.
  6. 15. Dez. 2001 · Rufus Thomas was a singer, songwriter and dancer who bridged early R&B and funk music. Learn about his life, career, discography and top songs on AllMusic.

  7. › channel › UCm1Njiat5P7x7ftWuNZi1twRufus Thomas - YouTube Music

    Rufus C. Thomas, Jr. was an American rhythm-and-blues, funk, soul and blues singer, songwriter, dancer, DJ and comic entertainer from Memphis, Tennessee. He recorded for several...