The Flash: The Saga of the Scarlet Speedster: Directed by Constantine Nasr. With Jeremy Adams, Greg Berlanti, Sterling Gates, Grant Gustin. He stands alongside DC's greatest superheroes, and is arguably the most endearing, probably because he is the one we can relate to the most; socially insecure, always late, unremarkable in every way - save one.
- (14)
- Documentary, Short
- Constantine Nasr
- 2023-08-29
The Flash (2023) | "The Saga of the Scarlet Speedster" Documentary. He stands alongside DC’s greatest superheroes, and is arguably the most endearing, probably because he is the one we...
- 38 Min.
- 8,3K
- Георгий Владимиров
- Overview
- Synopsis
- Interviewees
- External links
is a 39-minute documentary about the production of The Flash.
He stands alongside DC's greatest superheroes, and is arguably the most endearing, probably because he is the one we can relate to the most; socially insecure, always late, unremarkable in every way - save one. He is The Fastest Man Alive.
•Sterling Gates
•Grant Gustin
•Christina Hodson
•Jim Lee
•Ezra Miller
•Andy Muschietti
•The Flash: The Saga of the Scarlet Speedster at the Internet Movie Database
Season 1. Saga of the Scarlet Speedster. He stands alongside DC's greatest superheroes, being the most endearing and relatable; He is the fastest man alive despite his social insecurities...
- Action
- Michael Keaton
- Andy Muschietti
Visit the movie page for 'The Flash: Saga of the Scarlet Speedster' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and...
- (2)
- Ezra Miller
- Constantine Nasr
- Rivendell Films
11. Juli 2023 · Short documentary about The Flash from comic book creation to film and television hero.
Saga Of The Scarlet Speedster. "He stands alongside DC’s greatest superheroes, and is arguably the most endearing, probably because he is the one we can relate to the most; socially insecure, always late, unremarkable in every way… save one. He is The Fastest Man Alive…". IMDb 6.5 38min 2023. X-Ray 13+.