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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor 4 Stunden · Stanford University researchers have discovered that tartrazine, a yellow-orange food dye found in Doritos, can make mouse skin transparent. This allows for non-invasive study of tissues and organs.

  2. Vor 21 Stunden · The 2019 graduate studied product design at Stanford's School of Engineering. But even in his early days at the elite university, McRuer said he was drawn to the magic of filmmaking. After a student trip to the Sundance Film Festival, he said he started toying with the idea of pursuing a career in film.

  3. Vor 21 Stunden · NCAA men's volleyball tournament

  4. Vor 21 Stunden · 7/09/2024, ore 11:00. Alcuni ricercatori della Stanford University hanno appena compiuto una scoperta eccezionale, che secondo molti potrebbe cambiare la storia della medicina. Usando un semplice ...

  5. Vor 21 Stunden · luokai (@luokai). 2 Replies. 3 Likes. Researchers at Stanford University have developed a new technology that allows for the observation of organs within the body by rendering the overlying tissues transparent to visible light. This technique is achieved through the topical application of the food-grade dye tartrazine and may ultimately be applicable to a broad range of medical diagnostics ...

  6. Vor 21 Stunden · Beijing appears to be carefully weighing plans to tow a Philippine vessel it says is “illegally” deployed at a disputed atoll that has become a new flashpoint in the South China Sea.

  7. 8. Sept. 2024 · 3、2牛津大学 University of Oxford英国. 4、3斯坦福大学 Stanford University美国. 5、3剑桥大学 University of Cambridge英国. 6、5哈佛大学 Harvard University美国. 7、6加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology(Caltech)美国. 8、7帝国理工学院 Imperial College London英国

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