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  1. Stephen Allen „Steve“ Womack ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Seit 2011 vertritt er den dritten Distrikt des Bundesstaats Arkansas im US-Repräsentantenhaus.

  2. › wiki › Steve_WomackSteve Womack - Wikipedia

    Steve Womack is a Republican U.S. representative for Arkansas's 3rd congressional district since 2011. He served as mayor of Rogers, Arkansas, and chaired the House Budget Committee from 2018 to 2019.

  3. Learn about the services, issues and news of the Third District of Arkansas representative in the U.S. Congress. Subscribe for e-news, view all newsletters, and follow him on social media.

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  4. Diesmal hielt ihn der republikanische Abgeordnete Steve Womack aus Arkansas, er vertrat McCarthy, um den es in dieser historischen Sitzung im US-Kapitol ja ging. Womack verkündete das Ergebnis...

  5. Learn about Steve Womack's biography, achievements, and service in the House of Representatives. He is a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, a former Budget Committee Chairman, and a retired Army National Guard Colonel.

  6. 6. März 2024 · U.S. Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas has fended off a challenge on the right from a state lawmaker in the Republican primary. Womack defeated state Sen. Clint Penzo in Tuesday’s primary for the 3rd Congressional District in northwest Arkansas.

  7. 28. Okt. 2015 · Steve Womack is a Republican who has served in the U.S. House since 2011. He is the chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and the ranking member of the House Committee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.