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Street Corner: Directed by Albert H. Kelley. With Joseph Crehan, Marcia Mae Jones, Jean Fenwick, Don Brodie. Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist.
- (124)
- Drama
- Albert H. Kelley
- 1949-10-03
Street Corner is a 1948 American exploitation film directed by Albert H. Kelley, produced by Wilshire Pictures, and featuring Johnny Duncan, Eddie Gribbon, and Marcia Mae Jones. It was released on DVD in 2003 by Something Weird Video.
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- Albert H. Kelley
- 1
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Street Corner ist ein Film von Regisseur Albert H. Kelley mit Marcia Mae Jones, Joseph Crehan, John Treul. Alle Infos, Inhalt Kritik und Trailer zu Street Corner jetzt bei kinoundco
27. Juli 2021 · The original trailer in high definition of Street Corner directed by Albert H. Kelley. Starring Joseph Crehan, Marcia Mae Jones, Jean Fenwick and Don Brodie....
- 2 Min.
- 456
- HD Retro Trailers
Visit the movie page for 'Street Corner' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review. Your guide to this...