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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor einem Tag · 1.Curtis Mayfield - Superfly 2.Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Cinnamon Girl 3.Steve Miller Band - Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash(銭は紙くず) 4.Roy Orbison - Only the Lonely 5.B.J.Thomas - Mighty Clouds of Joy(歓びのハレルヤ) 6.Barry Mann - Let Me Stay With You(君のそばに)

  2. Vor 4 Stunden · Funk舞曲起源于60年代,BPM约在120拍以下,中文翻译成:“放克音乐”。Funk舞曲也是一种原属于非洲裔的音乐种类。

  3. Vor einem Tag · 1.Curtis Mayfield - Superfly 2.Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Cinnamon Girl 3.Steve Miller Band - Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash(銭は紙くず) 4.Roy Orbison - Only the Lonely 5.B.J.Thomas - Mighty Clouds of Joy(歓びのハレルヤ) 6.Barry Mann - Let Me Stay With You(君のそばに)

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