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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Ted McGinley ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, der vor allem durch seine Rollen in Happy Days, Love Boat, Eine schrecklich nette Familie und Hope and Faith bekannt wurde. Er ist seit 1991 mit Gigi Rice verheiratet und hat zwei Söhne.

  2. › wiki › Ted_McGinleyTed McGinley - Wikipedia

    Ted McGinley is an American actor known for his roles in sitcoms like Married... with Children and Hope & Faith. He also appeared in films like Revenge of the Nerds and Wayne's World 2, and was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars.

  3. 22. Sept. 2021 · Ted McGinley (63) spielte viele Jahre Al Bundys Nachbar Jefferson D’Arcy in der beliebten Sitcom „Eine schrecklich nette Familie“. In der Rolle heiratet er Marcy, die beste Freundin von ...

  4. › name › nm0569337Ted McGinley - IMDb

    Ted McGinley is an American actor who has appeared in TV shows such as Happy Days, The Love Boat, Dynasty, Married... with Children and The West Wing. He has also starred in movies like Revenge of the Nerds, Wayne's World 2 and Pearl Harbor.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.83 m
    • Newport Beach, California, USA
    • Ted McGinley1
    • Ted McGinley2
    • Ted McGinley3
    • Ted McGinley4
  5. Alle Infos zu Ted McGinley (*1958) mit Serien, Filme, Biografie, Fotos und allen Fakten zu Ted McGinley bei

  6. Learn about the life and career of Ted McGinley, a versatile actor who appeared in Happy Days, The Love Boat, Dynasty, Married... with Children and The West Wing. Find out his birth date, height, family, trivia, quotes and more on IMDb.

  7. 3. Juni 2023 · Ted McGinley, a veteran of Happy Days, The Love Boat, and Married… with Children, talks about his role as Derek, the most normal character on Shrinking. He reveals his approach to the show, his relationship with his co-stars, and his hopes for season two.

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