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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Sein Filmdebüt gab Whittall 1995 in Bolt. Ende der 1990er Jahre folgten Episodenrollen in Fernsehserien und Nebenrollen in Filmproduktionen. 2001 war er in einer der Hauptrollen des Sonny Mathis neben Dolph Lundgren und Maxim Roy im Actionfilm Concept of Fear / Agent Eraser zu sehen.

  2. › wiki › Ted_WhittallTed Whittall - Wikipedia

    Ted Whittall is a Canadian actor who has appeared in films such as The Bone Collector and Wicker Park, and TV shows such as Smallville and Schitt's Creek. See his full filmography, biography and awards on Wikipedia.

    Donovan Crane
    Episode: "Under Par-essure"
    Country at Heart
    Jeremy 'Jud' Judson
    Television film
    Coach Simons
    2 episodes
    Clint Brewer
    2 episodes
  3. › name › nm0926471Ted Whittall - IMDb

    Ted Whittall is a Canadian actor who has appeared in films, TV shows and miniseries, such as Suicide Squad, Beauty and the Beast, and Agent of Influence. He has also taught acting at York University and won a Gemini award in 2003.

    • Actor
    • 1 Min.
  4. Ted Whittall is a Canadian actor and acting teacher who has appeared in many films and TV shows, such as Suicide Squad, Beauty and the Beast, and Smallville. He has won a Gemini Award and teaches at York University and his private studios.

  5. Schauspieler. Once Upon A Time - Es war einmal... - Staffel 1. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Ted Whittall. Von den Anfängen seiner 23 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  6. CAT. 8: With Matthew Modine, Maxim Roy, Ted Whittall, Trevor Hayes. An untested global defence system triggers a swarm of devastating solar flares, resulting in catastrophic earthquakes and ferocious magnetic storms; an unprecedented CAT. 8 Armageddon. Can we stop the annihilation of the human race?

  7. Ted Whittall ist ein kanadisch Schauspieler. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 23 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.