100% English-taught. TUJ offers American university education in Japan. Enjoy campus life in Tokyo while earning American bachelor's degrees. Make new friends from Japan and from all over the world.
Research is a high priority at Temple, and the university’s graduate degree programs offer a stimulating, supportive environment for students to pursue individual areas of interest alongside experienced faculty. Master’s students can be awarded assist ...
テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(Temple University, Japan Campus, 略称TUJ)は、テンプル大学(アメリカ合衆国 ペンシルベニア州)の日本校。1982年にアメリカの大学で初めて日本分校として東京に創立された。 東京都世田谷区・京都市伏見区にキャンパスがある ...
The official athletics website for the Temple University Owls
Temple University educates a vibrant student body and creates new knowledge through innovative teaching, research and other creative endeavors. Our urban setting provides transformative opportunities for engaged scholarship; experiential learning; and discovery of self, others and the world. We open our doors to a diverse community of learners ...
天普大學(英語: Temple University ,或译为坦普尔大学),是位於美國東岸賓夕法尼亞州 費城的一所受州政府資助的研究型大學,由浸信會牧師拉塞爾·赫爾曼·康維爾(Russell Herman Conwell)和他的會眾費城恩典浸信會教堂(Grace Baptist Church of Philadelphia)於1884年創立,當時稱為浸信會聖殿教堂(Baptist ...
Temple Japan Entry Year Program. Another option to consider when applying to Temple University is starting your degree at our multi-building location in Kyoto, Japan. Through the Temple Japan Entry Year program, you can spend your first year at TUJ Kyoto and then complete your studies at main campus in Philadelphia.
Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.