There is a useful option to du called the --apparent-size. It can be used to find the actual size of a file or directory (as opposed to its footprint on the disk) eg, a text file with just 4 characters will occupy about 6 bytes, but will still show up as taking up ~4K in a regular du -sh output.
Run sudo -H gnome-terminal from the original non-root graphical terminal. Enter your password as prompted by sudo. The graphical terminal will start. Still in the non-root terminal, press Ctrl+Z to suspend the root terminal. While the root terminal is suspended, you can't use it; its interface will not respond to your actions.
15. Juni 2016 · Open your terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and do these following commands. To shutdown the system: sudo shutdown -h now To restart: sudo reboot & one more command for restart: sudo shutdown -r now Another way as one of the user mentioned. For shutdown: sudo halt or: sudo init 0 For restart: sudo init 6
16. Okt. 2015 · To just rename a file or directory type this in Terminal: mv old_name new_name with space between the old and new names. To move a file or directory type this in Terminal. mv file_name ~/Desktop it will move the file to the desktop.
A simple way to rename files and folders is with the mv command (shortened from “move”). Its primary purpose is moving files and folders, but it can also rename them since the act of renaming a file is interpreted by the filesystem as moving it from one name to another.
A Terminal is your interface to the underlying operating system via a shell, usually bash. It is a command line. Back in the day, a Terminal was a screen+keyboard that was connected to a server. Today, it is usally just a progam. You can open it via the utilities part of the apllications menu, or press Alt+F2 and type gnome-terminal.
17. Feb. 2013 · There is a nice tool called speedometer that displays a graph in the terminal using Unicode block characters, colors, and even adds labels to each peak in the graph. $ sudo apt-get install speedometer $ speedometer -l -r wlan0 -t wlan0 -m $(( 1024 * 1024 * 3 / 2 ))
Restart terminal and type: subl . Sublime should open up in the current directory. Check unix commands: ls You should get a directory listing. Windows. Put the C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2 in your PATH. Create a subl.bat file and save it in the directory: C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2. Inside the file put: start sublime_text.exe %*
8. Nov. 2020 · Instead of typing cd .. multiple times, what you could to is to place the function bellow into your .bashrc somewhere at the top, save .bashrc, and run source .bashrc or just close and reopen a terminal. Now, you have a function that does cd.. exactly how many times you told it to.
3. Okt. 2020 · This is automatically done. Bash stores your commands in ~/.bash_history.If you want to have a look at the history, either print the output of this file using one of