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  1. 13. Okt. 2017 · OPTION 1 – If the Zip File is in the same directory/folder in which your terminal is and we want to extract it in the present working directory. Use the following command to achieve the above described scenario. sudo unzip if the zip file is protected with some password, then use the following command :

  2. There is a useful option to du called the --apparent-size. It can be used to find the actual size of a file or directory (as opposed to its footprint on the disk) eg, a text file with just 4 characters will occupy about 6 bytes, but will still show up as taking up ~4K in a regular du -sh output.

  3. 15. Juni 2016 · 253. Open your terminal with CTRL + ALT + T and do these following commands. To shutdown the system: sudo shutdown -h now. To restart: sudo reboot. & one more command for restart: sudo shutdown -r now. Another way as one of the user mentioned.

  4. Modified 3 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 925k times. 541. I can issue the clear command or press Ctrl + L to clear the current Ubuntu terminal, but this just shifts previous output upwards and if you use mouse scroll or PgUP and PgDown keys it's hard to distinguish where the output of previous command ends and output of current command begins.

  5. A simple way to rename files and folders is with the mv command (shortened from “move”). Its primary purpose is moving files and folders, but it can also rename them since the act of renaming a file is interpreted by the filesystem as moving it from one name to another. The syntax is: where “file1.ext” is the “old” name of the file ...

  6. Run sudo -H gnome-terminal from the original non-root graphical terminal. Enter your password as prompted by sudo. The graphical terminal will start. Still in the non-root terminal, press Ctrl+Z to suspend the root terminal. While the root terminal is suspended, you can't use it; its interface will not respond to your actions.

  7. 21. Aug. 2018 · tset reset terminal intialization. command: reset. Tset initializes terminals. Tset first determines the type of terminal that you are using. This determination is done as follows, using the first terminal type found. an advantage seems to be, that it's independent from the used shell. also works with fish here.

  8. 8. Nov. 2020 · 49. cd .. will bring you back exactly one directory up. You can string together those to go up multiple directories, e.g. up 3. cd ../../.. Instead of typing cd .. multiple times, what you could to is to place the function bellow into your .bashrc somewhere at the top, save .bashrc, and run source .bashrc or just close and reopen a terminal.

  9. 17. Feb. 2013 · 26. This is not specific to networking, but Glances can display network traffic of different interfaces. Install it with one of those commands : On Ubuntu 18, installing glances pulls in a lot of X11 and font related packages, which you may want to avoid when working with remote VMs / containers.

  10. 3. Okt. 2012 · I have read about copying files with terminal but these examples will help me a lot. So here is what I want to do: Examples: I have a file in /home/levan/kdenlive untitelds.mpg and I want to copy this file to /media/sda3/SkyDrive and do not want to delete any thing in SkyDrive directory.

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