The David Frost Show was a 90-minute program which aired five days a week from 1969 – 1972. The show was syndicated to stations across America who were affil...
- Vikki Carr "It Must Be Him" on The David Frost Show - YouTube
The David Frost Show is a time capsule of one of the most...
- Vikki Carr "It Must Be Him" on The David Frost Show - YouTube
From 1969 to 1972, Frost kept his London shows and fronted The David Frost Show on the Group W (U.S. Westinghouse Corporation) television stations in the U.S. [26] His 1970 TV special, Frost on America, featured guests such as Jack Benny and Tennessee Williams.
The David Frost Show: With David Frost, Gerri Granger, Tiny Tim, Dana Valery. American show featuring the popular British talk show host.
- (249)
- 1969-07-07
- Talk-Show
- 90
A debate on the question of how many Black Panthers have been killed by the police with Charles Garry, head counsel for the Panthers and Edward Jay Epstein author of an article entitled "The Panthers and the Police: A Pattern of Genocide?" Rate.
19. Apr. 2016 · Thanks to our esteemed client, Reelin’ In The Years Productions, The David Frost Show which was syndicated from 1969 -1972 has become more available than ever!
- (818) 563-1073
David Frost is in Londonderry and Belfast, Northern Ireland where he talks with separate groups of Catholics and Protestants about the current situation there.
The David Frost Show is a time capsule of one of the most contentious and creative periods of the 20th century. During the show’s run, there were many entertaining guests, comedians, singers...
- 3 Min.
- 576,3K
- The David Frost Show