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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The Del-Vikings, auch unter den Bezeichnungen The Dell-Vikings oder The Del Vikings bekannt (der Name wurde zum Teil mit, zum Teil ohne Bindestrich geschrieben), waren eine US-amerikanische Doo-Wop -Gruppe, die in den 1950er Jahren einige Hit-Singles hatte.

  2. The Del-Vikings were an American doo-wop group that had hits in the 1950s with "Come Go with Me" and "Whispering Bells". Learn about their history, members, discography, and legacy on Wikipedia.

  3. The Del-Vikings (also known as The Dell-Vikings) are an American doo-wop musical group, who recorded several hit singles in the 1950s, and continued to record and tour with various lineups in...

    • 3 Min.
    • 115,6K
  4. Watch the legendary doo-wop group The Del Vikings perform live in 1995, featuring hits like That Big Move, Spring Day and Don't Leave. The video also includes a PBS promo and a transcript of the lyrics.

    • 13 Min.
    • 60,8K
    • Bob Olivia
  5. 20. Dez. 2009 · Watch a video of The Del Vikings, one of the first integrated vocal groups in rock 'n' roll, singing their hit song "Whispering Bells". Learn about their history, their label, and their cover by the Diamonds.

    • 2 Min.
    • 2,9M
    • John1948ThreeC
  6. Learn about the Del-Vikings, a doo-wop group from the US that had hits like "Come Go with Me" and "Whispering Bells" in the 1950s. Find out their history, members, songs, albums, and more on Top40weekly.

  7. 16. Aug. 2021 · The Del-Vikings were the first successful racially integrated Doo-Wop rock and roll ensemble formed in the United States and specifically in the United States Air Force during the Jim Crow era.