The Limbo Line is a 1968 British spy thriller film directed by Samuel Gallu and starring Craig Stevens, Kate O'Mara and Eugene Deckers. It is based on the 1963 novel of the same title by Victor Canning. It was made as part of a 1960s boom in spy films in the wake of the success of the James Bond series.
The Limbo Line: Directed by Samuel Gallu. With Craig Stevens, Kate O'Mara, Moira Redmond, Vladek Sheybal. Defectors are being sent back behind the iron curtain. Can the limbo line be stopped?
- (39)
- Crime, Drama
- Samuel Gallu
- 1969-03-03
The Limbo Line tells a story of Cold War double-crossing with British secret agent Manston trying to break up a group of Russian agents who return defectors to Moscow for brainwashing.
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The Limbo Line tells a story of Cold War doublecrossing with British secret agent Manston trying to break up a group of Russian agents who return defectors to Moscow for brainwashing When a...
- Samuel Gallu
- Craig Stevens
1969 Directed by Samuel Gallu. The Limbo Line tells a story of Cold War double-crossing with British secret agent Manston trying to break up a group of Russian agents who return defectors to Moscow for brainwashing.
Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Limbo Line (1968) - Samuel Gallu on AllMovie - This story of Cold War double-crossing finds…