The Misogynists ist ein Film von Onur Tukel mit Dylan Baker, Ivana Milicevic. Synopsis: In einem voll ausgestatteten Hotelzimmer feiern in der Nacht der Parlamentswahlen 2016 die zwei Trump ...
The Misogynists is a 2017 comedy film written and directed by Onur Tukel and starring Dylan Baker, Lou Jay Taylor, Trieste Kelly Dunn, and Ivana Miličević. The film is set on the night of the 2016 United States presidential election.
The Misogynists handelt von zwei Trump-Unterstützern, die dessen unerwarteten Präsidentschaftswahlsieg im Jahr 2016 zusammen in einem Hotelzimmer feiern. (MK)
The Misogynists: Regie: Onur Tukel Mit Dylan Baker, Lou Jay Taylor, Christine M. Campbell, Gioia Casella In einem einzigen, voll ausgestatteten Hotelzimmer in der Nacht der Parlamentswahlen 2016 feiern zwei Trump-Anhänger die unerwarteten Ergebnisse.
6. Feb. 2020 · In a fully stocked hotel room, two men celebrate Donald Trump’s unexpected victory on election night.
In a single, fully-stocked hotel room on the night of the 2016 general election, two Trump supporters celebrate the unexpected results. As the night rages on, an ensemble of characters venture in and out of the room.
The film is based on a relatable premise - taking place on Election Night 2016 - but resounds inside a dark world where it's totally possible that the women of the Obamas, Bushs and Clintons are...
- (13)
- Comedy