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  1. › wiki › The_NiceThe Nice – Wikipedia

    The Nice war eine 1967 gegründete Band, die Jazz, Rock und klassische Musik verband. Sie hatten einen großen Erfolg mit der Coverversion von Bernsteins America und trennten sich 1970.

  2. › wiki › The_NiceThe Nice - Wikipedia

    The Nice were a band led by keyboardist Keith Emerson, who later formed Emerson, Lake & Palmer. They mixed rock, jazz and classical music and were known for their stage antics and controversial songs.

  3. The Nice were an English progressive rock band active in the late 1960s. They blended rock, jazz and classical music and were keyboardist Keith Emerson's fir...

    • 5 Min.
    • 58,6K
    • Beat-Club
  4. › artist › 259812-The-NiceThe Nice - Discogs

    The Nice was a British band that experimented with classical and jazz influences in rock music. Led by keyboardist Keith Emerson, the group was known for its theatrical shows and adaptations of Bach and Bernstein.

  5. 7. Feb. 2019 · The Nice were an English progressive rock band active in the late 1960s. They blended rock, jazz and classical music and were keyboardist Keith Emerson's fir...

    • 7 Min.
    • 15,6K
    • Beat-Club
  6. › channel › UCZPhG_YgVx1z3sMayqvuQYwThe Nice - YouTube Music

    The Nice were an English band that blended rock, jazz and classical music in the late 1960s. Listen to their songs, albums, videos and related artists on YouTube Music.

  7. THE NICE was a British band that influenced progressive rock with their classical, jazz, blues and rock fusion. Find their discography, reviews, videos, biography and more on

  1. Verwandte Suchbegriffe zu The Nice

    keith emerson