24. Jan. 2011 · 4. You're "in" the office if you mean to emphasise your physical location, inside a room where one works. You're "at" the office if you are at a place of work, but not emphasising a specific room. So, "I need to have a printer in the office", but "I'm at the office, but I'll come home to see you soon." Share.
Federal Office of... or Federal Office for... Is there any sort of rule for this? The "problem" is that it's an ongoing debate in the Department (non-English-speaking country) on how to properly translate it into English.
If the office or rank is held concurrently by multiple people (e.g. judge, professor, and military ranks — although usually only for senior officers), the designation is retained for life. Once out of office, the individual reverts to whichever title or honorific applied before he or she held office, although as a courtesy, " once an Honorable, always an Honorable ."
I am used to saying "I am in India.". But somewhere I saw it said "I am at Puri (Oriisa)". I would like to know the differences between "in" and "at" in the above two sentences.
1. Dez. 2011 · A non-native speaker needs help with the following phrase to be used in the acknowledgments section of a research paper: "Parts of the this research were conducted during a visit of the Internat...
Through is only really used combined with "reach me" - so "you can reach me through 0800999999". Not as common in the UK, and it implied that someone else will aswer, but can pass on a message. It would not imply that you could necessarily speak to the person - hence the "reach me" rather than "call me". Share.
25. Juli 2015 · What are some formal ways to tell the boss or colleagues in the office you are leaving for the day? I am new to this, I googled and found this link but I want some more professional or creative way to say this other than, I am leaving now; I will make a move now; I am leaving for the day
34 个回答. 正版的 Office 365 除了零售外,渠道其实有很多,这边跟大家普及下 Office 365 的非零售版本及申请渠道,给大家参考哈. 像是以前风靡一时的绝版E3(MSDN)、很多回答中发的所谓 Office E5开发者订阅 需要90天续期一次。. 以及使用edu教育邮箱获取的A1和A1Plus ...
An office colleague wrote the following in an email: Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the concerned team. I wrote back the following: I believe it should be "Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the team concerned." Which one is correct, and why?
12. Juli 2012 · I once heard talk show host (now Congressman) Jason Lewis use the phrase "I already gave at the office" (as in "I already paid my taxes via my paycheck") as an illustration of why big-government social programs are so deleterious. For one thing, it gives people the false impression that they are being charitable by paying taxes, thinking that ...