The Princes of Malibu is an American reality television series which premiered on Fox on July 10, 2005. There were six episodes broadcast; the first two aired on Fox, and the remaining four aired on Fox Reality Channel. It starred Brody Jenner and Brandon Jenner.
- Reality Television
Fed up with his stepsons’ excessive lifestyle and their lack of jobs, David decides to teach them the value of a dollar by charging them rent, cutting off th...
- 21 Min.
- 257,8K
- Princes of Malibu
The Princes of Malibu: With Linda Thompson, David Foster, Brandon Jenner, Brody Jenner. A highly successful music producer hopes to instill values in his stepsons, but they have their mother (and his trophy wife) in the palm of their hands.
- (216)
- 2005-07-10
- Comedy, Reality-TV
- Linda Thompson, David Foster, Brandon Jenner
20. Dez. 2016 · The Princes of Malibu - Season 1 Episode 3. After David instructs his house staff to no longer do anything for Brody or Brandon, the boys hold a bogus casting session where they hire their...
- 21 Min.
- 115,3K
- Princes of Malibu
In an effort to get Brody interested in a real job, David takes him to his Warner Brothers office. But, Brody learns he’s not cut out for office work, and p...
- 22 Min.
- 168,4K
- Princes of Malibu
The Princes of Malibu. This reality series chronicles the relationship between 20-something slackers Brandon and Brody Jenner and their stepdad, Grammy...
David and Linda return from vacation early and find Brody's wild birthday party overrunning their palatial Malibu estate.