The Scent of Rain and Lightning is a 2017 American drama film directed by Blake Robbins and written by Jeff Robison and Casey Twenter, based on the novel of the same name by Nancy Pickard. The film stars an ensemble cast that includes Maika Monroe, Maggie Grace, Justin Chatwin, Mark Webber, Logan Miller, Will Patton, and Brad Carter.
The Scent Of Rain & Lightning ist ein Film von Blake Robbins mit Maika Monroe, Maggie Grace. Synopsis: Jodie Linder (Maika Monroe) muss voller Entsetzen feststellen, dass der Mörder...
- Blake Robbins
- 2017
- Maika Monroe, Maggie Grace, Brad Carter
The Scent of Rain & Lightning ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2017 von Blake Robbins mit Maika Monroe und Justin Chatwin. Im Drama The Scent of Rain & Lightning bricht...
When a young woman learns her parents' killer has been released from jail, she is forced to revisit old wounds while discovering the destructive power...
- (8)
- Blake Robbins
- R
- Maggie Grace
Based on the bestselling novel, THE SCENT OF RAIN & LIGHTNING tells the story of Jody Linder (Maika Monroe), a Midwestern twenty-something whose past resurfaces when the man convicted of...
16. Feb. 2018 · When a young woman learns her parents' killer has been released from jail, she is forced to revisit old wounds while discovering the destructive power of hate and the true cost of family secrets fully revealing themselves.
A young woman investigates the murder of her parents when rumors suggest the man convicted of the crime may not be the killer after all. 80 IMDb 5.0 1 h 42 min 2017. X-Ray ALL.