The Secret Policeman's Biggest Ball: Directed by Mike Holgate. With John Bird, Rory Bremner, Kathy Burke, John Cleese. The 1989 show returned to the roots of the series with an emphasis on comedy and eschewing the music that, by the 1987 show, had come to be an equal component of the Balls.
- (87)
- Comedy, Documentary
- Mike Holgate
- 1991-06
After the criticisms of the 1987 production's disproportionate focus on music – and the financial disaster of its music-only Festival of Youth weekend concert in 1988 – Amnesty returned to the...
- 55 Min.
- 514
- Monover Susstereo
1. Juni 1991 · The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball (1989) 06/01/1991 (US) Comedy , Music 1h 32m. User. Score. What's your Vibe ? Overview.
The Secret Policeman's Ball is a series of benefit shows staged initially in the United Kingdom to raise funds for the human rights organisation Amnesty International. The shows started in 1976 featuring popular British comedians but later included leading musicians and actors.
Where is The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball streaming? Find out where to watch on Netflix, Prime, Hulu & 40+ others.
- Mike Holgate
- 6
1. Jan. 1989 · Gena Rowlands, independentfilmens okrönta drottning, som inspirerade en generation av skådespelare är död. Tillsammans med både maken, regi... (Gena Rowlands i Stockholm 1998. Foto: Esbjörn Guwallius/
The Secret Policeman's Balls: The Secret Policeman's Biggest Ball (1989) The 1989 show returned to the roots of the series with an emphasis on comedy and eschewing the music that, by the 1987 show, had come to be an equal component of the Balls. IMDb 6.7 1 h 33 min. 13+. Comedy · Documentary. Available to rent or buy. Rent. SD $1.99. Buy. SD $11.99