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There's That Woman Again is a 1938 American comedy mystery film directed by Alexander Hall. It is the sequel to There's Always a Woman, [1] released the same year. In both films, Melvyn Douglas stars as a private investigator whose wife involves herself in his work.
There's That Woman Again: Directed by Alexander Hall. With Melvyn Douglas, Virginia Bruce, Margaret Lindsay, Stanley Ridges. Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store.
- (261)
- Comedy, Crime, Mystery
- Alexander Hall
- 1938-12-24
17. Mai 2022 · Private detective murder comedy. 1,252. Melvyn Douglas, Virginia Bruce, Mantan Moreland.
Stream 'Theres That Woman Again' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this...
Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store. The case takes a different turn when Bill's prying...
- (1)
- Melvyn Douglas
- Alexander Hall
- Columbia Pictures
There's That Woman Again is a 1938 American comedy mystery film directed by Alexander Hall. It is the sequel to There's Always a Woman, released the same year. In both films, Melvyn Douglas stars as a private investigator whose wife involves herself in his work. Joan Blondell played the wife in the first film, but that role went to Virginia ...
There's That Woman Again (1938) Zurück zum Film. Detaillierte Cast-/Crew-Ansicht Regie. Alexander Hall. Darsteller Rollen-Galerie. Melvyn Douglas. Rollenname: William 'Bill' Reardon. Virginia Bruce. Rollenname: Sally Reardon. Margaret Lindsay. R ...