In the documentary "Night Mail" (1936), John Grierson narrates the opening scene with WH Auden's poem of the same name, "Night Mail." Auden wrote the poem sp...
Night Mail is a 1936 British documentary film directed and produced by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, and produced by the General Post Office (GPO) film unit. The 24-minute film documents the nightly postal train operated by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) from London to Glasgow and the staff who operate it.
- 23 Min.
- 5,1K
- branconite
Night Mail. The flagship of the GPO Film Unit's output and a cornerstone of British documentary, featuring music by Benjamin Britten and the verse of W.H. Auden. Documentary 1936 24 mins. CC.
Night Mail. This is the night mail crossing the Border, Bringing the cheque and the postal order, Letters for the rich, letters for the poor, The shop at the corner, the girl next door. Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb: The gradient's against her, but she's on time. Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder.
Night Mail (Commentary for a G.P.O. Film) Lyrics. I. [Intro: John Grierson] This is the Night Mail crossing the border. Bringing the cheque and the postal order. Letters for the rich,...
22. März 2017 · This is the Night Mail – An Icon of Britain’s Documentary Film Movement. Discover a stylistic and lyrical gem of the General Post Office Film Unit – and probably the greatest train documentary of all time - Night Mail.
24 min. Country. United Kingdom. The most well-known and widely distributed of the experimental documentaries produced by the General Post Office Film Unit in the 1930s, Night Mail is, like Coal Face, a collaboration with composer Benjamin Britten and the poet W. H. Auden.