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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Brief Biography. On January 29, 1737, Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England. His father, a corseter, had grand visions for his son, but by the age of 12, Thomas had failed out of school. The young Paine began apprenticing for his father, but again, he failed. So, now age 19, Paine went to sea. This adventure didn't last too long, and by ...

  2. Thomas Paine - Revolutionary, Philosopher, Activist: In April 1787 Paine left for Europe to promote his plan to build a single-arch bridge across the wide Schuylkill River near Philadelphia. But in England he was soon diverted from his engineering project. In December 1789 he published anonymously a warning against the attempt of Prime Minister William Pitt to involve England in a war with ...

  3. Thomas Paine. Der britische Publizist. Britisch-amerikanischer Publizist und Politiker. Er wanderte 1774 mit Hilfe Benjamin Franklins nach Amerika aus und unterstützte dort mit Reden, Streitschriften und Flugblättern ("common sense" - "Gesunder Menschenverstand") die Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen der Kolonien.

  4. Titelblatt der Erstausgabe des ersten Teils 1791 Thomas Paine (Gemälde von Matthew Pratt). Die Rechte des Menschen (Originaltitel: The Rights of Man) ist eine 1791 und 1792 in zwei Teilen erschienene Streitschrift von Thomas Paine, in der er gegen die 1790 von Edmund Burke in dessen Schrift Reflections on the Revolution in France vertretenen, sich gegen die Französische Revolution richtenden ...

  5. Thomas Paine. January 29, 1737 - June 8, 1809. One of the strongest cases made in history for the "power of the pen" are the collective works of Thomas Paine. The son of a Quaker father and an Anglican mother, Thomas Paine was born January 29, 1737, at Thetford in Norfork, England. His father was a poor corset maker which gave Thomas no option ...

  6. 4. Mai 2010 · Thomas Paine wird am 29. Januar 1737 in Thetford, Norfolk, Grossbritannien, geboren. Seine Mutter gehört der Church of England an, sein Vater ist ein Quäker. Thomas Paine wächst in einfachen Verhältnissen auf und erlernt den Beruf des Steuerbeamten. Als solcher wird er schlecht bezahlt. Sein erstes bekannt gewordenes Schriftstück ist ein ...

  7. Thomas Paine. Date of Birth - Death February 9, 1737 - June 8, 1809. Thomas Paine grew up in a household of modest means, and only came to America a year before the start of the Revolutionary War at the age of 37. Yet, before long, his writings had set the continent aflame and Paine established himself as the preeminent voice for independence ...