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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Founded in 1965, the Tisch School of the Arts is one of the nation's leading centers for professional training and scholarship and research in the performing and media arts.

  2. Die Tisch School of the Arts ist eine Fakultät der New York University, die nach zwei Brüdern benannt ist. Sie bietet verschiedene Studiengänge in Film, Fernsehen, Theater, Musik, Kunst und Medien an.

  3. Tisch School of the Arts has three institutes and 16 programs and offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Professional Studies (MPS), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. Tisch also offers a selection of classes to NYU students not enrolled in any of its programs through the Open Arts curriculum.

  4. Learn about the history, programs, faculty, students, and alumni of NYU Tisch School of the Arts, the country’s preeminent center for the study of the performing, cinematic and emerging media arts. Explore how you can join a diverse and global community of artists and scholars in New York City and beyond.

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    • Tisch School of the Arts2
    • Tisch School of the Arts3
    • Tisch School of the Arts4
    • Tisch School of the Arts5
  5. Admission to the Tisch School of the Arts is a highly selective process. Applicants are held to rigorous academic and artistic standards, and evaluated through a two-part admissions process, which includes submitting the Common Application and an additional program-specific review.

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    • Tisch School of the Arts2
    • Tisch School of the Arts3
    • Tisch School of the Arts4
    • Tisch School of the Arts5
  6. › academics › meet-nyu-tischMeet NYU Tisch - MEET NYU

    21. Okt. 2024 · Learn about the diverse and creative undergraduate majors and programs at NYU Tisch, the School of the Arts. Explore courses, faculty, research, and alumni in performing arts, film, television, drama, game design, and more.

  7. Founded on August 17, 1965, as the School of the Arts at New York University, Tisch is a training ground for artists, scholars of the arts, and filmmakers. The school is divided into three Institutes: Performing Arts, Emerging Media, and Film & Television. Many

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