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  1. Thomas „Tom“ William Hiddleston ist ein britischer Schauspieler. International bekannt wurde er durch seine Rolle als Loki in den Filmen und Serien des Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  2. Thomas William Hiddleston (born 9 February 1981) [1] is an English actor. He gained international fame portraying Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), starting with Thor in 2011 and most recently headlining the Disney+ series Loki since 2021.

  3. Hiddleston won his first film role as Oakley in Joanna Hogg's award-winning first feature, Unrelated (2007). His breakthrough role came when he portrayed the nemesis Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe feature film Thor (2011) .

  4. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Tom Hiddleston. Von den Anfängen seiner 23 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  5. Vor einem Tag · Mike Flanagan ’s Stephen King adaptation, The Life of Chuck, has won the People’s Choice award at the 2024 Toronto Film Festival. The science fiction drama, starring Tom Hiddleston, Mark ...

  6. Vor 2 Tagen · “The Life of Chuck,” a feel-good apocalyptic story starring Tom Hiddleston and directed by Mike Flanagan, took home the Toronto International Film Festival’s people’s choice award.

  7. Hiddleston won his first film role as Oakley in Joanna Hogg's award-winning first feature, Unrelated (2007). His breakthrough role came when he portrayed the nemesis Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe feature film Thor (2011).

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