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  1. Tommy Lee Jones in Cannes 2005. Erste Erfahrungen mit der Schauspielerei machte Jones in der Schule. Während seines Studiums wirkte er unter anderem in Shakespeare-Aufführungen mit.Nach seinem Abschluss in Harvard ging er 1969 nach New York, wo er ein paar Jahre lang für Theater und Fernsehen spielte.Sein Debüt am Broadway gab er mit A Patriot For Me (1969) von John Osborne.

  2. Tommy Lee Jones (born September 15, 1946) is an American actor. He has received various accolades including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Primetime Emmy Award and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.. While fame somewhat eluded him for much of the 1970s and 1980s, Jones established himself as a leading man in the 1990s, known for his gruff and authoritative film roles.

  3. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Tommy Lee Jones. Von den Anfängen seiner 55 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  4. Tommy Lee Jones. Actor: The Homesman. Tommy Lee Jones was born in San Saba, Texas, the son of Lucille Marie (Scott), a police officer and beauty shop owner, and Clyde C. Jones, who worked on oil fields. Tommy himself worked in underwater construction and on an oil rig. He attended St. Mark's School of Texas, a prestigious prep school for boys in Dallas, on a scholarship, and went to Harvard...

  5. 19. Juni 2021 · In "Kings of Hollywood" – bald in den Kinos – ist auch Tommy Lee Jones dabei. Nach "Love Story", seinem Debüt 1970, spielte er immer öfter auch im Charakterfach. Die Top Five seit der ...

  6. 3. Apr. 2014 · Tommy Lee Jones was born on September 15, 1946, in San Saba, Texas. An eighth-generation Texan, Jones was the only child of Clyde Jones, a cowboy-turned-oil-field worker, and his wife, Lucille ...

  7. Der Western steht Tommy Lee Jones ins Gesicht geschrieben: Die faltigen, herunterhängenden Gesichtszüge, die traurigen Augen mit dem oft grimmigen Blick und die rauen Lippen, auf denen sich ...

  8. Tommy Lee Jones. Actor: The Homesman. Tommy Lee Jones was born in San Saba, Texas, the son of Lucille Marie (Scott), a police officer and beauty shop owner, and Clyde C. Jones, who worked on oil fields. Tommy himself worked in underwater construction and on an oil rig. He attended St. Mark's School of Texas, a prestigious prep school for boys in Dallas, on a scholarship, and went to Harvard...

  9. Tommy Lee Jones (born September 15, 1946) is an American actor and film director. He has received four Academy Award nominations, winning Best Supporting Actor for his performance as U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard in the 1993 thriller film The Fugitive. His other notable starring roles include Texas Ranger Woodrow F. Call in the television miniseries Lonesome Dove, Agent K in the Men in Black film ...

  10. Tommy Lee Jones ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler, Regisseur. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 55 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.

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