13. Aug. 2008 · 速评:《Tropic Thunder》精神病院的放风时间 by 081102 迷雾般的剧头,没有看懂,以为是DVDRIP出了问题,将其它影片的预告放在本片中,这种模式在日本的室内动作片很多。误解应该不是我的问题,没有片头的导演、演员名录,当“Tripic Thunder”的片名出来的 ...
7. Okt. 2023 · Tropic Thunder - I just remembered how awesome this movie is. I'm watching it again and the opening it with previews was genius. It's been so long since I watched it that I got fooled by the first preview for a few seconds. Nearly smacked my forehead when I realized. The details that put a lot of humor in it is what I love about these kinds of ...
26. Nov. 2022 · Tropic Thunder (2008) Discussion. This is, in my opinion, the funniest thing that any modern movie has to offer. All of its motifs and characterizations are quite pertinent, and they are even more meaningful now than they were when the film was first produced. Ben Stiller showed great foresight in the making of this picture.
7. Dez. 2011 · Then he made Tropic Thunder and totally redeemed himself in my eyes. It's 100% PURE GENIUS. I want more. I hope he makes a hundred movies like it. People who have a problem with the film are the same people who pretend to be intelligent while not understanding the simple difference between portrayal and advocacy. The same people probably claim ...
Rewatched Tropic Thunder, I forgot how awesome this movie is! Such great casting and amazing screenplay. Tom Cruise is just fantastic - I think this is probably his best "act"ed movie - rest of his movies he always plays "Tom Cruise" :) RDJ, my goodness, his dialogs work in so many levels. Its a classic, definitely worth the (re)watch, if you ...
24. Apr. 2023 · Method acting and big studio Hollywood movies. It’s from the book red thunder tropic lightning. It was parodying actors, using the Vietnam war movie as the vehicle to do so. Kirk Lazarus is a combination of Russell Crowe's 'australian' actor and bad boy attitude, with Daniel Day-Lewis' absurd levels of method acting.
8. Mai 2024 · TIL Ben Stiller developed the premise for Tropic Thunder while shooting Empire of the Sun. He wanted to make a film based on the actors he knew who became "self-important" & appeared to believe they had been part of a real military unit after taking part in boot camps to prepare for war film roles.
Tropic Thunder is up on Netflix again, and it's a movie about movies. It starts out by showing how ridiculous movies were in the 90s, so it kind of dates itself there. Tropic Thunder is almost 10 years old. Movies like the old gritty war movies will never exist again (Apocalypse Now, Platoon). So this one goes meta. Then it goes meta again. And ...
How did Robert Downey Jr. get by playing Lincoln Osiris in Tropic Thunder (2008)? Now-a-days people are finding actions in the past (10, 20, 30 years) and bring things up, causing people to be fired, ostracized, and even grilled by congress. Even questioning why "blackface" is always a bad thing got someone fired. And here we have a white actor ...
15. Mai 2021 · I went to see Tropic Thunder when it first came out and I distinctly remember a scene near the beginning where there's a big party going on at night right before the actors go into the Jungle. I got the DVD soon after it came out and that scene is missing from it. It's not even in the deleted scenes. I've watched that version countless times ...