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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 5. Jan. 2015 · Als habe er die Katastrophe vorhergesehen: Zum Reaktorunglück in Tschernobyl veröffentlichte der Soziologe Ulrich Beck sein Buch „Risikogesellschaft“, das zum Bestseller wurde. Anlässlich ...

  2. Ulrich Beck's remarkable book Risk Society gives one cause to think again about whether a new model might not be becoming available for thinking about our times, in not an unhopeful spirit. Beck's book, published in Germany in 1986 and successful enough there to have sold more than 60,000 copies and turned its author into a regular columinst... Risk Society displays a real sociological imagination

  3. 7. Jan. 2015 · Würdigung Was die Soziologie Ulrich Beck zu verdanken hat. 7. Januar 2015, 14:01 Uhr. Lesezeit: 3 min. Am 15. Mai 2014 wurde der Soziologe und Kosmopolit Ulrich Beck 70 Jahre alt. Anlässlich ...

  4. 26. Okt. 2017 · Ulrich Beck was born in a part of Germany in 1944, which is now part of Poland. He studied a variety of disciplines such as politics and philosophy at university but is perhaps best known for his work in the field of sociology, where he believed that we have entered a ‘reflexive’ period in the modern era that is characterised by uncertainty and insecurity.

  5. 1. Jan. 2014 · Ulrich Beck's diagnosis in his already classic book Risk Society addressed, when it was first published in 1986, a number of new and important issues concerning environment and society. In spite ...

  6. In this issue of RCC Perspectives, a group of scholars reflect on Ulrich Beck’s influential Risk Society (1986). They seek to critically historicize the concept of risk society, considering how it might be a product of its particular time and place as well as what it means for public debate and scholarship in the early twenty-first century.

  7. Das aber hat weit reichende Konsequenzen: Die Selbstreproduktion gesellschaftlicher Strukturen muss in der Brechung institutionalisierter "riskanter Freiheiten" (Ulrich Beck/Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim 1994) gedacht werden. Der Erfahrungsraum und Erwartungshorizont der Individuen fällt nicht mehr mit den Kästchen und Schubladen der "Rollen ...