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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · A state may be a unitary state or a some type of federal union; in the latter type, the term "state" is sometimes used to refer to the federated polities that make up the federation, and they may have some of the attributes of a sovereign state, except being under their federation and without the same capacity to act internationally.

  2. Vor einem Tag · A communist state, also known as a Marxist–Leninist state, is a one-party state in which the totality of the power belongs to a party adhering to some form of Marxism–Leninism, a branch of the communist ideology.

  3. Vor 3 Tagen · Iran is a unitary Islamic republic with one legislative house. The country’s 1979 constitution put into place a mixed system of government, in which the executive, parliament, and judiciary are overseen by several bodies dominated by the clergy.

  4. › wiki › EstoniaEstonia - Wikipedia

    Vor 2 Tagen · The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic, administratively subdivided into 15 maakond. It is one of the least populous members of the European Union and NATO.

  5. Vor einem Tag · The country is bordered by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) to the north, the East Sea (Sea of Japan) to the east, the East China Sea to the south, and the Yellow Sea to the west; to the southeast it is separated from the Japanese island of Tsushima by the Korea Strait.

    • Unitary state wikipedia1
    • Unitary state wikipedia2
    • Unitary state wikipedia3
    • Unitary state wikipedia4
    • Unitary state wikipedia5
  6. Vor einem Tag · Officially: United States of America. Abbreviated: U.S. or U.S.A. Byname: America. Head Of State And Government: President: Joe Biden. Capital: Washington, D.C. Population: 331,449,281; (2024 est.) 341,963,000 2.

  7. Vor einem Tag · Deutschland ist Mitglied der UN, der OECD, der OSZE, der NATO, der G7, der G20 und des Europarates. Bereits 1951 eröffnete der Hohe Flüchtlingskommissar (UNHCR) ein Verbindungsbüro in der damaligen Bundeshauptstadt Bonn, seit 1991 unterhalten die Vereinten Nationen dort ihren deutschen Sitz („UNO-Stadt“). [14]