wurde im letzten Monat von mehr als 10.000 Nutzern besucht
Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.
FOM Hochschule:
University of Chicago Medical Center (inne języki) (szpital kliniczny) University of Chicago Laboratory Schools (inne języki) Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies (inne języki). Większość budynków znajduje się około 7 mil na południe od centrum Chicago, w dzielnicach Hyde Park i Woodlawn. W centrum ...
Graduate research and professional training have been part of the University of Chicago's history from its inception. It has more than 100 graduate programs in four graduate divisions (biological sciences, humanities, physical sciences, and the social sciences) as well as eight professional and continuing education schools such as the Pritzker School of Medicine, the Booth School of Business ...
University of Chicago är ett välkänt högre lärosäte i Chicago i delstaten Illinois i USA. Universitetet grundades 1890 av affärsmannen John D. Rockefeller och byggdes upp cirka 10 km från Chicagos centrum. Antalet studenter uppgår till omkring 15 000, varav endast en tredjedel läser på grundnivå.
University of Chicago. Office of Communications. 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Suite 120, Chicago, IL 60637 (773) 702-8360.
One of the world’s leading research universities, the University of Chicago inspires scholars to pursue field-defining research, while providing a transformative education for students.
The University of Chicago operates a robust library from six locations at the heart of campus, serving both students and scholars. The University of Chicago Press has been publishing books for scholars, students, and general readers since 1892.
シカゴ大学(シカゴだいがく、University of Chicago、略称:UChicago)は、アメリカ合衆国・イリノイ州 シカゴにある私立総合大学。 アメリカ中西部を代表する名門校の一つで、とくに公共政策分野などで高い評価を受けており [ 8 ] 、関連する ノーベル賞 受賞者は100人超にのぼる。