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30. Aug. 2024 · The University of Toronto is a globally top-ranked public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Future Students
The University of Toronto is a global leader in research and...
- Programs of Study
Dive into your interests and develop your passions at U of...
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Faculty and staff
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News & Media - University of Toronto
- About U of T
About U of T
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Defy Gravity: The Campaign for the University of Toronto...
- Academics
We offer over 700 undergraduate and 200 graduate programs at...
- Research & innovation
The University of Toronto is a leader in research and...
- Future Students
Dive into your interests and develop your passions at U of T. We offer over 700 undergraduate and 200 graduate programs across three campuses in the Greater Toronto Area. From architecture to medicine, music to urban studies, we've got what you're looking for.
The University of Toronto (UToronto or U of T) is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, located on the grounds that surround Queen's Park. It was founded by royal charter in 1827 as King's College, the first institution of higher learning in Upper Canada.
Learn about the academic, cultural, and athletic opportunities at U of T, a world-renowned university in a celebrated city. Find out how to apply, get scholarships, and join the diverse and vibrant community of international students.
Die University of Toronto ist Kanadas größte und renommierteste Universität mit 73.185 Studierenden und 11.000 Mitarbeitern. Sie wurde 1827 gegründet und hat drei Campusanlagen in Toronto sowie zwei Forschungseinrichtungen.
Learn about U of T's diverse and extensive academic programs, admission requirements, tuition and financial aid, and student life. Explore the three campuses, the college system, and the global alumni network of this leading research university.
We offer over 700 undergraduate and 200 graduate programs at U of T. Drawing from our top-ranked research faculty, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the latest developments in whatever you choose to study.