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  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.

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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Learn about UVA's academic programs, research, community engagement, and athletics. Watch videos, read news, and explore events on the university's official website.

    • SIS

      Accedeix al SIS, el sistema integrat d'estudiants de la...

    • UVACanvas

      UVACanvas is the University of Virginia’s central learning...

    • Jobs

      Careers at University of Virginia | University of Virginia...

    • About Us

      The University is an iconic public institution of higher...

    • Academics

      UVA is one of the nation’s premier public universities....

    • Admission

      © 2024 By The Rector And Visitors Of The University Of...

    • Arts

      The arts are central to life at the University of Virginia....

    • Libraries

      When the University of Virginia was founded in 1819, a...

  2. Die University of Virginia (Universität von Virginia) – kurz UVa oder U.Va. (englisch ausgesprochen als U-V-A: juːviːˈeiː) – ist eine staatliche Universität in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und liegt in Charlottesville im Bundesstaat Virginia.

  3. Learn about the public research university founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, its history, campus, academics, athletics, and people. See facts, figures, and rankings of the university and its programs.

  4. Learn about UVA's academic programs, faculty, research and student life. Explore undergraduate, graduate, continuing and executive education options at one of the nation's premier public universities.

  5. Learn about the history, vision, rankings, leadership and impact of UVA, a public institution founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819. Explore its schools, programs, research, arts, athletics and diversity initiatives.

    • University of Virginia1
    • University of Virginia2
    • University of Virginia3
    • University of Virginia4
  6. Find everything you need to know about University of Virginia (UVA), including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.

  7. The best way for prospective students to get to know the University of Virginia is to visit us. We offer virtual sessions, guided visits, and self-guided tours that we hope you will consider. We look forward to meeting you!