Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.
- Voraussetzungen Studium
Wer kann an der FOM studieren?
Alle Zulassungsvoraussetzungen hier
- Studium neben dem Beruf
Mit Berufserfahrung auch ohne
Hochschulreife - jetzt informieren
- Kosten eines FOM Studiums
Hier findest du alles zu den Kosten
& der Finanzierung deines Studiums.
- FOM Summer Academy
Mit der FOM ins Ausland. Im Rahmen
der International Summer Academy.
- Veranstaltungskalender
Alle Termine der
FOM im Überblick.
- Digitales Live Studium
Das digitale Live-Studium der FOM –
gesendet aus den FOM Studios.
- Voraussetzungen Studium
Most Useful Ranking List of Mental health in schools. Our top lists help you make informed choices quickly
Immerse yourself in the Western experience and discover how our community is changing the world, today. Tour Campus Hear the Western Story. Ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide, Western combines research excellence and student experience to create impact locally and globally.
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Our graduate programs inspire a passion for the pursuit of...
- Undergraduate
What can you study, what is Western like, admission...
- Undergraduate Programs
Your undergraduate degree is about exploration and...
- About Western
Western University is a leading university recognized for...
- Future Students
At Western University, our world-class faculty, services and...
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Join us in person and see what Western's beautiful campus...
- Academics
Explore Our Faculties. Our world-class faculties will equip...
- Libraries
Western Libraries provides access to books, databases,...
- Explore Our Programs
Learn about the history, campus, faculties, and affiliations of Western University, a public research university in London, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1878, it is a founding member of the U15 group of most distinguished research-intensive universities in Canada.
Die University of Western Ontario ist eine staatliche Volluniversität in London, Kanada, die 1878 gegründet wurde. Sie bietet über 200 verschiedene Bildungsabschlüsse und Diplome in zwölf Fakultäten und drei Colleges an.
Our graduate programs inspire a passion for the pursuit of knowledge, foster creativity and innovation, and prepare our graduates for successful and exciting careers. We invite you to use the search tools below to find a graduate program suitable for you.
Western University is a leading research and teaching institution with over 400 programs and 170 international learning opportunities. Learn about admission requirements, financial assistance, events and more.
Explore the variety of undergraduate programs at Western, from Arts & Humanities to Engineering. Find your passion and develop critical skills for the future in a common first year.
Western University is a leading research-intensive university in London, Ontario, Canada. Learn about our history, academics, student experience, research impact, major initiatives, and campus life.