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  1. William „Bill“ Pelham Barr ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei. Er war zwischen November 1991 und Januar 1993 Justizminister der Vereinigten Staaten im Kabinett George H. W. Bush. US-Präsident Donald Trump ernannte ihn im Februar 2019 zum Justizminister in seinem Kabinett. Im Dezember 2020 trat Barr ...

  2. › wiki › William_BarrWilliam Barr - Wikipedia

    William Pelham Barr (born May 23, 1950) is an American attorney who served as United States attorney general in the administration of President George H. W. Bush from 1991 to 1993 and again in the administration of President Donald Trump from 2019 to 2020.

  3. 27. Juni 2021 · To Trump, the unkindest cut of all was when William Barr stepped forward and declared that there had been no widespread fraud in the 2020 election, just as the president was trying to overturn...

  4. 12. Juni 2023 · William Barr diente unter Donald Trump als loyaler Justizminister – nun allerdings äußert er sich in scharfen Worten über den Ex-Chef.

  5. 8. Sept. 2022 · Der frühere US-Justizminister William Barr sieht eine reale Gefahr für Ex-Präsident Donald Trump, wegen des falschen Umgangs mit geheimen Regierungsdokumenten angeklagt zu werden.

  6. 11. Aug. 2024 · William Barr (born May 23, 1950, New York City) is an American lawyer and government official who served as attorney general of the United States during the administrations of Presidents George H.W. Bush (1991–93) and Donald Trump (2019–20).

  7. William Barr, the former US attorney general who served under Donald Trump, has said the ex-president is "toast" if allegations he mishandled classified documents are proven to...