William „Bill“ Kristol (* 23. Dezember 1952 in New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer politischer Kommentator und Kolumnist. Kristol ist Sohn von Gertrude Himmelfarb und deren Gatte Irving Kristol. Er wird wie sein Vater zu den bedeutendsten Protagonisten des Neokonservatismus in den USA gezählt.
Learn about Bill Kristol, an American neoconservative writer and commentator who founded The Weekly Standard and The Bulwark. He was a chief of staff to Dan Quayle, a supporter of the Iraq War, and a critic of Donald Trump.
William Kristol is the editor at large of The Bulwark, a director of Defending Democracy Together, and a host of Conversations with Bill Kristol. He posts analysis and reporting on politics and culture in America on Substack.
24. Mai 2016 · In this satirical article, Bill Kristol, a conservative Jewish intellectual and former supporter of George W. Bush, reveals how he became a Renegade Jew and turned against his party. He claims he will stop Donald Trump and his traitorous allies with his army of one.
Op-Ed Columnist. Left and Right, Piling On. An undeserved disdain, even casual contempt, seems to characterize the attitude of the political and media elites toward the American auto...
Bill Kristol is a founding director of Defending Democracy Together and a former editor of the Weekly Standard. He has taught politics at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania and served in the Reagan and Bush administrations.
Bill Kristol war einer der bekanntesten Konservativen der USA. Hier spricht er über die Gefahren eines Trump-Wahlsiegs und erklärt, warum er heute die Demokraten wählt. wurde im letzten Monat von mehr als 1.000.000 Nutzern besucht
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