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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte der Amazonenprinzessin Diana, die im Ersten Weltkrieg gegen den Kriegsgott Ares kämpft. Sie trifft den Spion Steve Trevor, mit dem sie sich in London und an der Front anfreundet.

  2. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Entstehung, die Fähigkeiten und die Freunde und Feinde von Wonder Woman, der ersten Superheldin des DC-Comics-Verlags. Lesen Sie, wie der Psychologe William Moulton Marston die Amazone Diana als Symbol für seine feministischen Ideale schuf.

  3. 2. Juni 2017 · Wonder Woman: Directed by Patty Jenkins. With Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny.

    • (705K)
    • Action, Adventure, Fantasy
    • Patty Jenkins
    • 2017-06-02
  4. A superhero film based on the DC Comics character, starring Gal Gadot as the Amazon princess Diana who fights in World War I. The film was directed by Patty Jenkins and received positive reviews and awards recognition.

  5. 2. Juni 2017 · Witness the rise of a Warrior. Watch the NEW #WonderWoman trailer now! -- WONDER WOMAN is in theaters June 2, 2017. From Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Entertainment comes the epic action...

    • 3 Min.
    • 20,7M
    • Warner Bros. Pictures
  6. Watch the official trailer now!--Wonder Woman is in theaters June 2, 2017.Follow #WonderWoman on social media:F... It begins with her.Gal Gadot is #WonderWoman.

    • 3 Min.
    • 31,4M
    • Warner Bros. Pictures
  7. Wonder Woman. Beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules, Princess Diana of Themyscira fights for peace in Man's World.

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