Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte, Princess of Canino and Musignano (8 July 1801 – 8 August 1854) was the elder daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and Julie Clary, and the wife of Charles Lucien Bonaparte, who was also her cousin.
Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte, Fürstin von Canino und Musignano (* 9. Juli 1801; † 8. August 1854) war die älteste Tochter von Joseph Bonaparte und Julie Clary. Sie heiratete später ihren Cousin, den Ornithologen Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater lebte sie mehrere Jahre in New Jersey im Exil.
Zénaïde Lætitia Julie Bonaparte, née le 8 juillet 1801 à Paris et morte le 8 août 1854 à Naples, princesse française et altesse impériale , infante d'Espagne , est la fille de Joseph Bonaparte et de Julie Clary.
Die Bonaparte sind eine Familie aus Korsika, die 1804 mit Napoleon Bonaparte zum französischen Kaiserhaus aufstieg. Sie regierten im Ersten und Zweiten Kaiserreich sowie kurzzeitig in einer Reihe von anderen europäischen Staaten.
28. Apr. 2022 · Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte, Princess of Canino and Musignano was the elder daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and Julie Clary, and the wife of Charles Lucien Bonaparte, who was also her cousin. She joined her father in exile for several years in Bordentown, New Jersey.
They are Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte, Napoleon’s nieces, and the letter is from their father, Joseph Bonaparte. David captures here not only the intimacy of siblings – the protective way they hold each other – but also a sense of their individual personalities.
Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte, Princess of Canino and Musignano (8 July 1801 – 1854) was the elder daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and Julie Clary, and the wife of Charles Lucien Bonaparte, who was also her cousin. They had 12 children, 4 of whom died in childhood. Gallery. Zénaïde c. 1815, by Jean-Baptiste Wicar.