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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Alexandra Adler war eine US-amerikanische Neurologin und Psychiaterin österreichischer Herkunft, die als Spezialistin für Gehirn-Traumata galt.

  2. Alexandra Adler (24 September 1901 – 4 January 2001) was an Austrian neurologist and the daughter of psychoanalyst Alfred Adler and Raissa Adler. She has been described as one of the "leading systematizers and interpreters" of Adlerian psychology. [1] Her sister was socialist activist Valentine Adler. [2] Alexandra Adler's husband ...

  3. Alexandra Adler wurde am 24. August 1901 als Tochter von Alfred Adler und Raissa Timofejewna Epstein in Wien geboren. Sie studierte Medizin und promovierte 1926. Zwischen 1927 und 1935 arbeitete sie unter der Leitung von Julius Wagner-Jauregg als Assistenzärztin an der Neurologischen Abteilung der Psychiatrisch-Neurologischen Klinik in Wien ...

  4. 18. Jan. 2001 · Alexandra Adler, authority on schizophrenia, pioneer in the study of post-traumatic stress disorder, and one of the first women neurologists at Harvard, died in New York City on Jan. 4. She was 99.

  5. 21. Okt. 2022 · Alexandra Adler was one of the first women neurologists at Harvard Medical School. Much of her biographical information derives from an editorial in The Harvard Gazette, dated 18 January 2001 [1], and from an article by the clinical psychologist Hendrika Vande Kemp [2].

  6. 12. Jan. 2001 · Dr. Alexandra Adler, a New York neurologist and psychiatrist who carried on the tradition of her father, Alfred Adler, one of the pioneers of psychoanalytic theory, died Jan. 4 at New...

  7. Dr. Alexandra Adler, an accomplished neurologist and psychiatrist, was born in Vienna, Austria on September 24, 1901. She was the daughter of renowned psychologist Alfred Adler, the founder of individual psychology, and his wife, Raissa Timofeyevna Epstein.