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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. I have recently bought a windows 10 laptop and am having trouble installing the full BBC iplayer app, all it is giving me is an app for BBC downloads but how do I watch everyday programmes without

  2. 25. Feb. 2019 · Downloading BBCiplayer app on Microsoft Surface Go in S Mode Is it possible to download the BBC iplayer app on my Surface Go which is still in S Mode? This thread is locked.

  3. 22. Aug. 2011 · It seems that it is Firefox which prevents iPlayer from installing. First I had to install another bit of Adobe and then (temporarily) use Internet Explorer as my browser ( I use Mozilla Firefox as my default browser ) than I found my way to an "instal" button on the iPlayer Home Page, pressed it --- and away we went.

  4. 26. Aug. 2012 · i get no sound on bbc iplayer. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people.

  5. If so, try uninstalling the update by going to Windows Settings > Update and Security > Windows Update > Advanced options > View your update history. Then, click Uninstall updates. Next, you’ll see the history of recent updates sorted by installation date. Look for the specific KB number: KB4054517, and then click the Uninstall button.

  6. 28. Mai 2013 · Right click the 'BBC iPlayer Desktop' application file and select 'Properties'. Go to the 'Compatibility' tab and select the 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings' option. Click 'OK'. The application will now be tiny, but it will importantly play full screen videos properly and quit in the taskbar when you ask it to :-)

  7. 24. Aug. 2015 · Follow the link: Windows Compatibility Center. Follow the steps. a) Uninstall the bbc iplayer if it's already installed then when you install/reinstall it instead of double clicking on the install file right click it and select "Troubleshoot Compatibility". b) Then click on "Troubleshoot Program".

  8. 8. Feb. 2016 · When you install BBC iPlayer Desktop you also install the Adobe Air components. if you already have the Adobe Air installed, then you might have to uninstall iPlayer and then remove Adobe Air folder from the directory location where it is saved. We advice you to take experts advice from the BBC iPlayer support team on this, who would have the ...

  9. 20. Okt. 2019 · I have tried to download a programme from BBC IPlayer onto my new Surface Pro 6 tablet but receive the message "you'll need a new app to open this bbc -ipd link, look for an app in Microsoft Store.

  10. 1. Nov. 2012 · To do the update:-. Swipe in from right side of screen. Click settings. Click change PC settings at bottom. Scroll to bottom of left hand side menu. Click Windows update. Update you Surface. This will resolve your problem 😁. If you have any problems please reply back.

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